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Call us: (031) 764 1968
Blu X Anti-scalent is a specialized acidic reacted polymer containing polymeric anti-scalents. It is specifically designed for the prevention and removal of scale due to hardness salts and metallic...
Blu X Biocide (ACT-909) is a highly effective liquid biocide which will control growth of micro-organisms in a cooling system across the complete range of organisms - algae, fungi, etc.
Blu X Chiller is a unique and specialized mildly alkaline nitrite-based corrosion inhibitor for closed water circuits.
Blu X Cooling is an all-in-one cooling tower water treatment, corrosion inhibitor, anti-scalent, biocide, dispersant & bio-dispersant.
Blu X Inline is an inline - basic/alkaline specialised surface descalent.
Office Number:(031) 764 1968
Mobile Number: 082 873 2688
Contact: Enquire now
Durban: 119 Brackenhill Road
Waterfall, 3610, Kzn
Tel: (031) 764 1968
93 Pentrich Rd, Masons Mill
Pietermaritzburg, 3201
Tel: (031) 764 1968
Operating Hours:
Monday to Friday 08h00 to 16h00
closed on weekends and
public holidays.